Making Each Experience Memorable

Nevada Community HIgh School-Class of 1969 Reunion is the most important event to attend in remembering our roots. Where we came from and where we have travelled through the last many years is important. Our relationships and connections allow us to keep those bonds with our common roots, values and friendships. Leave any reservations behind or any preconceived ideas about our reunions and you may find many surprises in our class after many years of life experience and maturity. Let us celebrate our  FUTURE REUNIONS !

Life Updates

Will try to keep current information on our classmates. Those who want to contribute information about our classmates can do so by submitting it through the email link below in the lower right area of each webpage

or on the CONTACT US webpage.


Nevada Community HIgh School-Class of 1969 Reunion plans  are always changing.  If you have any suggestions on how we can improve attendance, please email them to us.  In order to achieve success, we need your input.
Be part of the team to help and plan future reunions!

“...Not everyone is meant to be in our future. Some people are just passing  through to teach you lessons in life!”

- Unknown  

Submit any event ideas that our class could participate in during our reunion weekend. Send them to me on the 

CONTACT US webpage.